Back to San Diego no more auto mode workshop (camera Classes). Teaching photography on my birthday was a delightful and unexpected gift to myself. As I stood in front of my eager students, sharing my knowledge and passion for capturing moments in time, I couldn’t have asked for a more fulfilling way to celebrate with 5 fun students. This workshop was filled with the click of shutters and the eagerness to create images embracing the art of photography. It was a reminder that the joy of teaching and the magic of photography could combine to create unforgettable moments, even on one’s special day. Thank you Sandra, Sophia Lynette,  Michelle and Marvin (drove from LA) for making this day special.

My next San Diego Workshop is scheduled for Oct 21 2023, If interested, sign-up at up 

Hector Gonzalez

619 864 4614


San Diego Photography No more auto mode workshop SEP 09, 2023